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Conner is one of the 4 AKC champions produced by CH Symarun’s Look N’ Good and CH Ultra’s Playin’ By My Intuition R.O.M. What a show dog! Conner completed his championship at the age of 11 months. Conner earned his Grand Champion title by going over some top ranked shih tzu specials. Conner has numerous group placements to his credit and also won BISS at the Shih Tzu Club of Norhtern NJ Specialty. Conner was ranked in the top 8 AKC shih tzu during his show career in 2011. Conner is currently the top ranking Grand Champion Shih Tzu in Missouri. Conner has produced 10 champions, including Dancee Best Kept Secret who is a Multiple BEST IN SHOW winner. Conner is now R.O.M. eligable and will received his Record Of Merit award at the 2015 American Shih Tzu Club National in Las Veags NV. Look for Conner to be featured in the newest editon of “The Official Book Of The Shih” Tzu by Jo Ann White